Don't become a statistic...


I bet you won't be surprised to hear that the average American gains weight during the holiday season. Actually between Thanksgiving and Christmas so really only a month.

There are lots of crazy numbers that have been thrown around but the New England Journal of Medicine says the average weight gain is only about 2 lbs.

This is an average so some gain less and others gain more.

The big problem with this holiday weight gain is, regardless of how much you gain the study indicates that you get to keep it.

Weight gained during the holiday season isn't lost in the spring and summer that follow.

That holiday weight just compounds every year which is one of the reasons people often feel like they gained weight for no reason.

It's sneaky weight that just keeps building over time.

Rather than worry about holiday weight GAIN let's focus on holiday weight LOSS.

As one of my client's said today - 'I'm not powerless, I can do better than just survive. I can and will control the things that I can control.'

That, right there, sums up holiday weight loss.

You decided that you are in control of you.

You decide to make choices that work best for you.

This doesn't mean missing out or having to compromise by giving up the foods you love.

It means learning how to incorporate the foods you love, all of them in a way to works for your body AND your goals.

Yes, you can have it all and in my free, live Master Class: Holiday Health Odyssey - staying fit and losing weight during the holidays you'll learn:

  • How to build YOUR healthy diet for quick wins
  • How to manage what you eat so that you feel in control around food
  • The best way to guarantee food freedom and include indulgence treats with out compromising on your weight loss and health goals

If you want to get through the holidays without constantly fighting temptation and losing then you won't want to miss this Master Class.

This is your ticket to stepping into January feeling better than ever!

Register for the Master Class here and bring a friend.

The class will be recorded so if you can't make it at 11 am Pacific time on Friday October 25th that's o.k. As long as you're registered you'll receive an email with the recording : )

See you next Friday!

P.S. If you have any questions or want to get started now reply to this email.

The Simplicity of Wellness

Helping women 4o and older understand the changing needs of their body so that they can lose weight permanently.

Read more from The Simplicity of Wellness
Nutritional Weight Loss

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