
The Simplicity of Wellness

Before and After

Published about 1 month ago • 4 min read

Hi Reader,

I posted this 20 year before and after of me and got a couple of interesting comments.

The first one I saw was this:

If the first pic is overweight, I'm WAY worse off than I think!

Every body is different and you're the only one who knows how you feel.

I was overweight for me but it was more than what I looked like it was how I felt. I felt awful. I was living on a blood sugar rollercoaster of feeling great one minute then brain fog and exhausted the next.

I was also achy. I was 37 years old feeling like what I thought I might feel like at 80. I was also gassy and bloated. In case you don't know this, gassy and bloated is NOT NORMAL.

You should not be farting your way around town.

These were all signs of internal inflammation and a metabolically out of balance body.

Everyone is on their own path with different goals. Stop comparing and focus on what you want and need. Start where you are not where you wish you were or think you should be.

The second comment I read:

Omg!! Please move in with me and just berate me and knock food out of my hands until I look like you.

This was from a woman that I knew in college. She was funny then, still funny now. 😉

All kidding aside I did respond by letting her know I am the last person to knock food out of someone's hand.

That will never be me. I LOVE to eat and so should you.

Dieting, is about not eating, denying yourself.

I'm not into DIETING. I don't teach my clients 'dieting'.

My focus is DIET.

We all have a DIET, it's what we eat.

When you don't know how to manage your DIET so that it works for you body and lifestyle you end up feeling the need to do 'dieting' - deny, restrict.

In my Hangry to Healthy Weight Loss Coaching Program I help my clients lose weight with a progressive process that takes them away from 'dieting' and leaves them with a DIET that works for their body.

A DIET that allows them to lose weight without feeling like their in an epic battle that they can't win so they just keep stopping and restarting.

As a Hangry to Healthy client you learn to work with your body. Let me explain...

1) You start in PHASE 1

I give you a DIET designed to eliminate the aches and pains you attribute to being older rather than the inflammation that's actually causing the problem.

This DIET will also help you calm your appetite and release you from being controlled by sugar and other carby cravings.

You'll also see your energy increase because this DIET brings your metabolic hormones back into balance so that your body can effectively use fat as fuel - shed inches, clear the brain fog, all-day energy.

Yes, I'm using the word DIET because you'll be eating. It may even feel like you're eating more than you used to but you won't be. You'll be in a calorie deficit and you will be losing weight you just won't feel like you're restricted and depriving yourself.

Everyone moves through Phase 1 at different speeds but on average you'll work in phase 1 for the first month of the program.

2) You move into PHASE 2

You feel good. You're cravings are under control. You're tuned into your appetite and know what real hunger in your body feels like. You eat when you're hungry and you mostly don't when you're not.

This phase is all about learning how to set your 'body dial'. Depending on your goals and lifestyle you'll want to set your dial to 'fat burn', 'extra energy', or 'maintenance'.

If you're still working on losing weight (fat) when you hit phase 2 then you'll learn how to set your dial to 'fat burn'.

If you've lost the weight and want to learn how to not gain the weight back you'll want to set your 'dial' to maintenance (a learned skill).

If you've yo-yo'd with your weight you might be feeling nervous about this but that's why it's part of the program. Maintenance doesn't magically happen, it's a learned skill. A skill you will learn as a Hangry to Healthy client. Maintenance is nutrient and energy balance and you'll learn what that is and how to do that so that maintaining your weight becomes effortless.

3) Phase 3 if Freedom

The Hangry to Healthy program is designed to give you the information, guidance and support you need to internalize what you learn so that you can use that information to make choices that will work for you in your life.

In this phase you learn how to test your boundaries and really tune into your tolerance level for all foods. You aren't doing this alone. I will be with you to trouble shoot and help you course correct as you internalize what works and doesn't work for you.

You'll understand how to subtly categorize the food you enjoy as

  • most of the time foods
  • some of the time foods
  • rarely if ever foods

Phase 3 is about regaining your food and body confidence so that you feel in control in all situations and around all different kinds of food.

You are unique. Your tastes are unique. Your lifestyle is unique. You are not me and to lose weight that you never gain back your plan should be yours not mine. ❤️

If there is one thing I would like you to take away from my before and after pictures it's that getting older doesn't have to mean downhill or worse.

I am better 20 years later and I plan to continue to get better eating food that keeps me in maintenance and at my ideal weight without feeling restricted or deprived. 🙌

My Hangry to Healthy Weight Loss Coaching Program has open enrollment a few times a year. That time is now.

If you're ready to be done with 'dieting' and build the DIET that works for your body click the button below to become a client before enrollment closes.

Enrollment closes in...

Count down to 2024-04-18T07:00:00.000Z

The Simplicity of Wellness

Amy White, Nutritionist & Life Coach

Helping women 4o and older understand the changing needs of their body so that they can lose weight permanently.

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