
The Simplicity of Wellness

5 Foundations of Losing Weight For The Last Time

Published 3 months ago • 4 min read


Losing weight for the last time is very different than dieting with an expectation that you'll lose weight.

Here are 5 things that I believe are the foundation of being able to lose weight for the last time:

1) The focus isn't so much about a specific goal, it's about WHY you want to achieve said goal.

Why is long-term. Why is what helps you course correct and create consistency. Why is what keeps you excited because you're focused on where you're going. You see and feel what will be different.

2) Knowing you have a personal tolerance level for discomfort and understanding what that feels like for you.

The discomfort I'm talking about has nothing to do with feeling hungry or deprived. When you understand how to work with your body, which is exactly what I teach my clients, you do NOT feel hungry or deprived as part of the process of losing weight for the last time.

The tolerance for discomfort that I'm referring to is about MIND DRAMA

How willing are you to feel fleeting discomfort when that discomfort is a known part of the process that will take you to your goal(s).

Change creates discomfort.

Your brain likes automation. New things (actions, behaviors) require your brain to focus. Your brain will push back. This will create a level of discomfort. Again, this is fleeting discomfort, it will pass and you will be better on the other side.

Are you willing to allow your brain to have a hissy fit when you know that nothing has gone wrong. When you know the hissy fit is expected and you see it for what it is, proof that you're on the right track.

Losing weight for the last time will require you do things differently than you are currently doing them. This doesn't mean you have to change everything at once. In fact, that's the exact wrong thing to do for most of us.

Small, doable change is the path to lasting results.

Small, doable changes create the least amount of discomfort.

Knowing how to manage change to match your ability to mange discomfort is your sweet spot when it comes to results.

3) Having Curiosity about yourself.

This means you're willing to empathetically check-in with yourself. You're curious about any discomfort and ready to LISTEN in a loving way.

When there is mind drama (a.k.a. discomfort) something is up. Your brain is trying to get your attention - ask yourself what's going on.

"Hey, brain, what's up?"

Be willing to investigate WHY you feel uncomfortable.

  • What's going on?
  • Where are you?
  • Who are you with?
  • What are you doing?
  • What aren't you doing?

What thoughts are causing you to feel discomfort?

4) Take time daily to enjoy the view of your future.

You have your WHY. You have a vision of what your life is like after you lose weight for the last time. Play with that vision.

Tease it out. What does your life look like? What does a day look like? What are you doing? Who are you with? How do you feel? Are you smiling, laughing? What are you wearing? Where are you?

Share that vision with a friend or better yet your coach. Let them hold that vision with you so that when you lose sight of your future self (because you will) they can remind you and bring your vision back into focus.

5) Be honest with yourself. Are you a DIYer or do you prefer regular guidance and support?

There are people who are die hard DIYers. My sister is one of them. She decides she wants something and she makes getting it her JOB. She gathers information (books, podcasts, DIY programs etc...). She organizes all the information and creates steps and an action plan that work for her. She wakes up everyday with a very specific focus and doesn't deviate. She's happy to do things on her own - leave her alone and let her do it her way.

Then there is me. I'm the opposite. I need and want attention and instruction. I don't like to spin in indecision. If I have questions, I want answers, quickly.

Personal example: My sister recently turned me on to a fitness program she was super excited about. She was really selling it so I decided O.k. I'll give it a go and ordered it. I opened it and immediately shut it down. It was HUGE, super comprehensive, so much stuff. It took me two conversations with my sister and two weeks to even take a second glance. That didn't go well either. Still too much. I just wanted to get started with the exercise program BUT there was so much to do before that. It was a DIY program and for what it was it was great. Again, SO MUCH to sift through but for me it was over before I began.

So much great stuff = TOO MUCH with a giant side of overwhelm.

Know thyself.

When it comes to losing weight for the last time can you do it yourself?

  • Can you figure out the food/diet changes your body requires to get into balance?
    • Do you know what's currently not working for your body and how to adjust to things that will work?
    • Do you know what to do to avoid feeling hungry and deprived as you're getting leaner, stronger and healthier?
  • Can you manage your mind when it starts spinning all the negative and limiting self talk (that, by the way, isn't actually even true)?
    • Can you avoid the all or nothing mindset that throws of consistency and ends new habits before they've had time to feel natural?
  • Do you understand when to add exercise and what kind of exercise is best for the lifestyle you're creating?
    • Are you able to release guilt about not wanting to exercise and trusting that when you're body is ready exercise will feel fun.
  • Do you know how to shift your body into maintenance so that you feel comfortable eating what you want without regaining weight?

Are you ready to lose weight for the last time?

You may not be and that's o.k.

If you are and you want help. I can help you.

Click here to schedule a call so we can talk about what you can do to start losing weight for the last time.

The Simplicity of Wellness

Amy White, Nutritionist & Life Coach

Helping women 4o and older understand the changing needs of their body so that they can lose weight permanently.

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