
The Simplicity of Wellness

[Link] Exciting Announcement!

Published 3 months ago • 1 min read

Hey there Reader,

I am so excited to finally share my newest news - I've launched The Simplicity of Wellness PODCAST!

The 5 min. Welcome episode is available today. Click here or on the image above to go to the episode page.

Podcast episodes will be available weekly on Wednesdays on your favorite podcast player. Episode 1 drops tomorrow morning, Valentine's day.

I believe to make lasting, healthy change it needs to be doable, feel easy and like a natural part of your everyday life. No major life overhaul required!

My goal with this podcast is to share digestible information that will help you reach your body and health goals through small, doable, healthy changes that fit into your everyday life.

If there is a topic you'd like me to cover please let me know.

All my best,

The Simplicity of Wellness

Amy White, Nutritionist & Life Coach

Helping women 4o and older understand the changing needs of their body so that they can lose weight permanently.

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