
The Simplicity of Wellness


Published 7 months ago • 2 min read

Hi Reader,

Here is the one thing that everyone who is gaining weight, overweight and struggling to lose weight has in common:


Seems pretty obvious, right?

So obvious that it can't possibly be this simple.

But, it is.

A Favorite Distraction

We ALL struggle with this. I struggle with this!

I put up an Instagram Story about this very thing yesterday.

I wanted to EAT.

I was thinking about one of my favorite 'mini' meals, low-fat cottage cheese with a bit of chopped up pineapple. I really wanted to pull out my bowl and mix up my little, protein packed meal BUT...

I wasn't actually hungry. In fact, I was closer to still feeling full from breakfast.

The reason I put up the instagram story was because I realized I was feeling frustrated and a little angry that I WASN'T HUNGRY.

I wanted to eat my cottage cheese but I made a deal with myself last week that I would tune into my hunger and wait it out. No eating until I was truly hungry. For me that's feeling actual hunger pangs in my stomach with a kind of hollowness.

Walking away from my want for that meal made me realize that I was doing a very normal thing - using food to distract myself.

I didn't even have a dramatic reason for this need of distraction. I was just restless and board. That's it. I was going to stuff food into an already full body because I hadn't figured out what I was going to do next in my day.

I didn't eat. I walked away, figured out what was driving my need to eat and then managed that - feeling board and restless. I didn't think about food again until my body started giving me hints around dinner time.

Packing On The Pounds

When we aren't actually hungry (our body is not in need of food/fuel) and we eat we are OVER FUELING.

Unlike a car gas tank, when we over fuel (or fill) our body the excess doesn't just pour out and land on the ground.

When we over fuel the excess gets stored as fat.

We gain weight or stop ourselves from losing weight.

What does it feel like in your body to feel hungry? Where do you feel it? What does it feel like? How do YOU know when you're truly hungry?

How often do you have that feeling?

The #1 Way To Lose Weight

Stop eating when you aren't actually hungry (in need of food).

This week I CHALLENGE YOU to wait until you feel truly hungry before you eat. If you're not sure if you're hungry, walk away for 30 minutes (set a timer) then check back. If you're truly hungry it will be more obvious after that 30 min. wait.

Like me, you may realize that you aren't hungry as often as you think you are.

Seriously, do this for a week and see how you're body responds.

I recently posted a Reel on Instagram about this with a different take on food journaling that you might find interesting and even helpful. You can watch that here:

P.S. When you're ready to start implementing more strategies that will help you lose weight permanently CLICK HERE to schedule a Body Transformation Consult.

The Simplicity of Wellness

Amy White, Nutritionist & Life Coach

Helping women 4o and older understand the changing needs of their body so that they can lose weight permanently.

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