
The Simplicity of Wellness

Transform Your Body & Life: Free 'WHAT TO EAT' list !

Published 7 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader,

Have you ever said or thought...

I just wish someone would tell me what to eat'.

Well, today is that day.

I'm sharing my WHAT TO EAT food list.

This is the exact list that all of my weight loss clients get in phase 1 of my Hangry to Healthy™ program.

If you're doing all 'the things' right but still struggle to lose that extra weight you're going to want this list.

I recently posted my TOP 5 TIPS to feeling and looking your best after 45 on instagram. You can see that here:

The WHAT TO EAT list takes care of the #1 and #2 of my top 5 list

  1. Cut Way Back on the Sugar you put in your body.
    This does not mean just the obvious sugars: ice cream, candy, cookies but also (and more importantly) the foods that quickly turn into sugar once they enter your body.
  2. Drop the most common inflammatory foods.
    Sugar is one of those inflammatory foods so if you're following the steps you've already on your way ; ) Next eliminate all grains. Grains tend to be very inflammatory (internally) for most people. Try this for 2 weeks or longer and watch how your body responds.

When you follow the WHAT TO EAT list you will be eating an anti-inflammatory diet that doesn't include processed sugars or grains.

This is NOT a forever list. This is the food list that I start my clients with so that they can start losing weight immediately.

My Hangry to Healthy™ coaching program is a 12-week long program that includes weekly 1:1 coaching and a robust on-line course so that you understand how to give your body what it needs to create permanent weight loss.

As a client, the EAT THIS LIST is a foundation list that you will expand upon once your body is in balance - energy up, cravings down, appetite calm etc...

If you're ready to see how different your body feels (and looks) without the inflammation that's been making you tired, moody and puffy grab the WHAT TO EAT list now.

Click the button below to get the WHAT TO EAT guide.

P.S. When you're ready to effectively implement all phases of my permanent weight loss process CLICK HERE to schedule your Body Transformation Consult.

The Simplicity of Wellness

Amy White, Nutritionist & Life Coach

Helping women 4o and older understand the changing needs of their body so that they can lose weight permanently.

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